Ruby Franke's Diaries, Bodycam Footage Released: Everything to Know (2024)

Ruby Franke, the Utah mother of six who branded herself as a parenting expert and garneredmillions of subscribers to her now-defunct YouTube channel, "8 Passengers," was driven by "religious extremism" in the way she meted out punishment to two of her young children, prosecutors say in a trove of newly released records that includes Franke's diaries detailing "horrific abuse" and bodycam footage.

Washington County prosecutors in Utah released the records Friday just over a month after Franke and her former business partner, Jodi Hildebrandt, were sentenced to four to 30 years in state prison onchild abuse charges. Both Franke andHildebrandt received four one to 15-year prison terms. They will serve their sentencesconsecutively, meaning they could serve up to 30 years behind bars, asUtah state code prohibits consecutive penalties to exceed 30 years.

The newly released records include Franke's handwritten journals in which she detailed the child abuse her 12-year-old son and now-10-year-old daughter went through.

"If you can engage a weak minded soul in a physical activity of obedience you can begin to break the bond Satan made w/ the weak," one of Franke's journal entries state.

Franke, 41, pleaded guilty on Dec. 18, 2023 after admitting to abusing her children by forcing them to perform hours of physical tasks such as wall sits and carrying boxes full of books up and down the stairs, denying them food or water, and regularly binding their hands.Franke also admitted to kicking one of her sons while wearing boots and holding his head underwater and smothering his mouth and nose with her hands.

While Franke and Hildebrandt, 54, were initially arrested on two counts of aggravated child abuse following a disturbing 911 call after one of the children escaped the house and ran to a neighbor's for help, the charges were later upgraded to six felony counts of aggravated child abuse.

They were arrested on Aug. 3, 2023, atHildebrandt's home in Ivins, Utah, about 300 miles south of Salt Lake City. The Frankes live in Springville, Utah, about four hours north of Ivins.

ET has reached out to their attorneys for comment.

Here's how the disturbing case unfolded.

The Arrest

According to the Santa Clara-Irvins Public Safety Department, the arrests on Aug. 30, 2023, came after the department got a call about a juvenile in need of help. That juvenile turned out to be one of Franke's 12-year-old sons, who police say escapedHildebrandt's home by climbing out of a window and running to a neighbor's home for help.

Police say the boy showed up to the neighbor's home with duct tape around his ankles and wrists and he was also "emaciated and malnourished." According to multiple reports, the neighbor called 911 and said the boy told him that "what's happened to him is his fault." While waiting for paramedics and police to arrive, the neighbor gave the juvenile food and water.

The department said its officers eventually were led toHildebrandt's home, where another child -- a 10-year-old girl -- was found in a similar condition. The girl turned out to be Franke's child as well. The juvenile boy and 10-year-old girl were then taken to a hospital, while two of Franke's other children were taken by the Department of Child and Family Services.

The Arraignment

Franke andHildebrandt made a virtual court appearance on Sept. 8, 2023, which was delayed for nearly an hour after more than 1,300 people -- mostly TikTokers -- tried logging on to watch the virtual hearing. According to multiple reports, the women appeared via video from jail wearing orange jumpsuits. They did not enter a plea.

According to charging documents obtained by The Salt Lake Tribune, Franke andHildebrandt are accused of causing or permitting serious injury to the children in three different ways -- through acombination of physical injuries or torture; through starvation or malnutrition that jeopardizes life; and by causing severe emotional harm.

The judge ordered the women to remain behind bars without bail.

The 911 Call

The St. George Police Department released the eerie 911 call, in which a neighbor appeared emotional while talking to the dispatcher.

"I just had a 12-year-old boy show up here in my front door asking for help," the neighbor says.

He added, "We know there's been problems at this neighbor's house. He's emaciated. He's got tape around his legs. He's hungry and he's thirsty."

Later during the call, the neighbor's voice appeared to crack as if choking back tears.

"He asked us to call the police. So, he's very afraid," the neighbor says before taking deep breaths. "This kid has obviously been [breathing hard] ... I think he's been, I think he's been detained. He's obviously covered in wounds. We need the cops here as soon as possible."

First responders, via radio communication, then described the boy's wounds, saying he has "sores" all over his body.

Prosecutors allege Franke and Hildebrandt either caused or allowed someone to torture the two starving children. They further allege Franke was seen filming in the home days before the arrest, meaning she had to have been aware of the children's deteriorating condition.

The 'Expert'

Franke built a strong following on social media due to her so-called strict and no-nonsense parenting approach. But she's come under fire multiple times. In one TikTok video she posted, Franke says her kids "are literally starving" because she wouldn't feed them breakfast until they completed their chores.

Frankealso came under fire after posting on social media that she refused to take her kindergartner lunch after the child forgot it at home. She said in the video that she told her daughter's teacher she would not be bringing her lunch in hopes of teaching her a lesson.

"I know that her teacher is uncomfortable with her being hungry and not having a lunch and it would ease her discomfort if I came to the school with a lunch,” Franke says on video. "But I responded and just said Eve is responsible for making her lunches in the morning and she actually told me she did pack a lunch, so the natural outcome is she’s just going to need to be hungry. And hopefully nobody gives her food and nobody steps in and gives her a lunch because then she’s not going to learn from the natural outcome."

In another video, Franke shared that she and her husband, Kevin, told their two youngest children they wouldn't be getting any Christmas presents because they were selfish and weren't responding to punishment. The Franke's share six children -- Shari, Chad, Abby, Julie, Russell and Eve.

"It's because they're so numb, and the more numb your child is, the bigger the outcome they need to wake them up," Franke said in video she shared on social media.

Franke launched her "8 Passengers" YouTube channel in 2015, where she chronicled the Mormon family's activities, her parenting style and home renovations, among other things. YouTube removed Franke's channel in wake of her arrest.

The 'Counselor'

According to her website, Hildebrandt is the founder ConneXions Classroom, which offers counseling services. Her bio lists her as receiving a bachelor's degree in English and a master's in educational psychology, though she doesn't list where she earned the degrees.

Franke eventually joined Hildebrandt as co-host of a parenting advice podcast.According toPeople, clips have since resurfaced online, in which the co-hostsspoutxenophobic views,downplayeating disorders andblame rape victims.

The Husband

While he was not arrested and is not in the crosshairs of the authorities (though his whereabouts on the day of his wife's arrest remain unclear), Franke's husband, Kevin, is no stranger to controversy.

In 2020, Kevin was criticized after he and Franke forced their oldest son tosleep in a beanbagfor nearly seven months after they banned him from his bedroom.

According toBusiness Insider, the teen said he got banned from his bedroom after playing a prank on his younger brother. One of the pranks included getting the younger brother to pack a suitcase for a fake trip to Disneyland.

On Sept. 6, 2023, Kevin's lawyer, Randy Kester, went on Good Morning Americaand insisted Kevin played no role in the abuse that led to his wife andHildebrandt's arrest.

"He is a good person. He is very gentle," Kester said. "And no one's ever made any allegations that he's ever physically abused those kids, or anyone else."

The attorney added, "He just wants to do what's best for his kids, get them back, get them under his tutelage and his fathership and protect them."

The Estranged Daughter

Shari, the eldest daughter, has been estranged from her mother for some time now. In fact, Shari took to her Instagram Story and celebrated her mother's arrest.

"Today has been a big day. Me and my family are so glad justice is being served," she said in the since-expired post. "We've been trying to tell the police and CPS for years about this, and so glad they finally decided to step up."

Shari also posted a photo of police officers outside the family home. She captioned the post, "finally."

The Sisters

Franke's sisters -- EllieMecham,Bonnie Hoellein andJulie Deru -- shared a joint statement on social media following the arrest.

"For the last three years we have kept quiet on the subject of our sister Ruby Franke for the sake of her children," the statement read. "Behind the public scene we have done everything we could to try and make sure the kids were safe. We wouldn't feel right about moving forward with regular content without addressing the most recent events.

"Once we do, we will not be commenting on it further," the statement continued. "Ruby was arrested which needed to happen. Jodi was arrested which needed to happen. The kids are now safe, which is the number one priority."

In a since-deleted YouTube video,Hoellein said family members tried to intervene before Franke's arrest.

"My sisters and I, we are on the very same page, and for the last three years we have truly clung onto each other, offering support to one another, and I don’t think any of us could have ever seen this coming," she said. "We all did as much as we could legally, and you don't know what you don't know."

The Neighbor

A neighbor who lived next to the Frankes for about five years -- and who spoke to People on condition of anonymity -- noticed red flags long before Franke's arrest.

"I think we saw some weird things," the neighbor said. "But I don't think anybody thought that these kids were being physically abused to that degree."

One of the biggest red flags, the neighbor said, came last year when the family's two youngest children went from paling around the neighborhood to suddenly disappearing from public view.

"She really started isolating her kids," the neighbor said. "We saw their presence in the neighborhood almost daily, and then we just quit seeing the youngest two around. That was a big change.For most of us, it didn't point to criminal behavior. It was just curious. Like, what happened there?"

The Chilling History

According to CBS affiliate KUTV in Springville, Utah, police received more than a dozen phone calls to two homes owned by the Frankes. The station also reported that DCFS workers responded to the home four times in 2022 and 2023.

In one instance, a DCFS worker called police on April 16, 2022 and told them Franke "was made aware of two kids running out in the road unsupervised."

Five months later, Shari called police requesting a welfare check because "her sisters and brothers had been left home alone while their mother was in St. George with her friend." Shari said a neighbor told her the kids had been left home alone for five days. The outlet reported police arrived at the home and saw the kids "through the windows but would not answer the door."

According to police, neighbors told them about instances when Franke would "leave her children home for extended periods of time and go to St. George to spend time with her friend Jodi (Hildebrandt)."

The Aftermath

Not long after she was taken into custody,Hildebrandt ended up in a jail medical holding facility due to ongoing medical issues. According to KUTV,Hildebrandt's attorney revealed in a motion filed that she "has experienced a life-threatening medical issue resulting in her hospitalization for several days."

Hildebrandt's exact condition remains unclear, but her attorney requested a "special setting" with the judge on Sept. 14, 2023 to discuss her detention, the news station reported.

As for Franke, she, too, reportedly experienced medical issues. KUTV reported she was moved from her holding cell and then into a medical block at the jail. People reported Franke was then moved back to her cell over the weekend.

ET has reached out to their attorneys for comment.

The Husband, Pt. 2

Kevin Franke's attorney, Randy Kester, appeared on Law & Crime's Sidebar podcast and shared the communication Kevin had with Franke, his estranged wife, on the day of her arrest.

According to Kester, Kevin got a text from Franke -- whom he'd been separated from for 13 months -- telling him there was an emergency and she needed him to act urgently. But Kevin responded saying he was working. Franke wasn't having it, imploring him to call her immediately.

"She had heard what was going on and knew they were coming for her and called him and said, 'This is an emergency,' even though she hadn't reached out to him for months and months and months before that," the attorney said in the podcast. "She reached out to him when it was an emergency, knowing she could rely on him to help his kids."

Kester claimed on the podcast that, during the phone call, Franke revealed for the first time that the entire family moved to Irvins months ago. The attorney also claimed that his client and Franke ceased communication at her behest, and that he obliged with the idea that if he kept his distance there might have been a chance to reconcile.

"He's getting raked over the coals for [not reaching out to his kids] but what people don't understand is he was trying to preserve his marriage, he was taking direction from her and she was the one who asked him to leave the house, indicating that in order for him to get back together with her and be a family, she was requesting he leave the home and he not contact them or the children," Kester insisted.

But when he got that phone call, Kester claimed, that's when Kevin "came to his sense about how he'd been manipulated and deceived." Kester claimed that Kevin laid the blame on Hildebrandt.

"She's manipulated him, in conjunction with Ruby," the attorney said. "She's been kind of the spearhead toward essentially destroying his life and destroying his family."

As for what led to the separation, Kester cited a "difference of opinion" in regard to their family. The attorney was then asked if it was in relation to her parenting style, and Kester responded, "Correct."

The Plea Deal

On Dec. 18, 2023, Franke pleaded guilty to child abuse charges. She was originally charged with six counts of child abuse in September but two counts were dropped under the plea deal, according to KUTV.

Franke appeared in court handcuffed and wearing gray and white jail attire. According to CBS News, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before pleading guilty to three child abuse charges. The plea deal outlined disturbing details, in which Franke admitted she tortured her now 12-year-old son from May 22 through Aug. 30 by forcing him into hours of physical tasks such as wall sits and carrying boxes full of books up and down the stairs, as well as summer work outdoors without adequate water and "repeated and serious sunburns" that blistered.

He was also denied food or given very plain meals. He was also punished when he drank water and kept isolated from other people without access to books, notebooks or electronics. His hands were regularly bound, sometimes with handcuffs. At times, the plea deal agreement states, ropes were used to tie together handcuffs that secured his hands and feet as he lay on his stomach, lifting his arms and legs off the ground and injuring his wrists and ankles.

When the handcuffs cut into his skin and injured his hands and wrists, those injuries were treated with homeopathic remedies and covered with duct tape. Franke also admitted to kicking her son while wearing boots and holding his head underwater and smothering his mouth and nose with her hands. She tried to convince her son that he was "evil and possessed."

Franke also admitted to physically abusing her 9-year-old daughter in a similar fashion.

"With my deepest regret and sorrow for my family and my children, guilty," she said while growing emotional.

As part of the plea agreement, Franke will now testify against Hildebrandt, her business partner. Amid the disturbing court case, Franke's husband, Kevin, also filed for divorce.

The Sentencing

Franke was sentenced to four one-15 year termsin prisonby a Utah district court on Feb. 20, 2024. Hildebrandt, was also sentenced to four one-to-15 year terms. Both women will serve their sentences consecutively, meaning they could serve from four-30 years total, as Utah state code prohibits consecutive penalties to exceed 30 years behind bars.

During her sentencing -- audio of which was streamed on Utah Court's website -- Franke got emotional as she apologized to her children.

"I ... believed dark was light and right was wrong," she said. "I would do anything in this world for you. I took from you all that was soft, and safe and good."

She also addressed Judge John Walton and the court.

"For the past four years, I've chosen to follow counsel and guidance that has led me into a dark delusion," she admitted. "My distorted version of reality went largely unchecked as I would isolate from anyone who challenged me."

The Records Show ...

Washington County prosecutors in Utah on Friday released journal entries, police reports and hours of bodycam and surveillance footage, including bodycam footage of Franke and Hildebrandt's arrests on the day Franke's 12-year-old son ran away from home and found refuge with a neighbor.

There's also heartbreaking bodycam footage which shows authorities trying to coax Franke's 10-year-old daughter out of a bathroom closet with pizza and promising her she's safe.

"They were beaten, and the 12-year-old was bound hand and foot after a previous attempt at running away. Additionally, the children suffered emotional abuse to the extent that they came to believe that they deserved the abuse," prosecutors say.

"The investigation found that religious extremism motivated Ms. Franke and Ms. Hildebrandt to inflict this horrific abuse," prosecutors continued. "The women appeared to fully believe that the abuse they inflicted was necessary to teach the children how to properly repent for imagined “sins” and to cast the evil spirits out of their bodies."

Bodycam footage also shows responding officers and paramedics growing emotional while at the scene.

"I'm crying," one paramedic is heard in bodycam footage, to which a police officer responds with, "I know. That's why I have my shades on."

As for the diaries, Franke wrote in a July entry that her 12-year-old son started screaming after he refused to do any more work. As a result, she shaved his head, prompting the boy to try to run away, Franke wrote.

"It is [the boy’s 12th] birthday and he doesn't even know what month it is," she wrote on July 10. "I told [the boy] that he emulates a snake. He slithers and sneaks around looking for opportunities when no one is watching."

Franke also accused her two youngest children of "deviant behavior" in an entry dated Aug. 27.

"These selfish selfish children only desire to take, lie [and] attack have zero understanding of God's love for them," Franke wrote.

Franke wrote in her journal that her plan was to ultimately buy 500 acres in Arizona, "where these two can work."

"They will think they won. They will think they got what they wanted. They will relax," Franke wrote. "Then... POP!!!! We will drop them like hot potatoes out in the desert. Their new home!"

As for the children's father in all of this, bodycam footage shows Kevin was kept in the dark about the abuse. Bodycam footage shows officers interviewing him at the police station, where he told detective that he had not seen his family for over a year since he moved out of the family's Springville, Utah home.

The bodycam footage shows Kevin explaining to police why he and Franke separated, "The reasons are because of ways that I treated my wife and some of my own addictions that I was working through and seeking help on with, um, with uh, p*rnography."

Kevin was ultimately cleared as a suspect in the case.

If you suspect child abuse, call the National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-Child or 1-800-422-4453, or go to



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What did Jodi Hildebrandt do to the kids? ›

For months, Ruby and Hildebrandt had forced Ruby's youngest children – RF and EF, who was 9 – to work under sweltering heat for hours with little food or water, per Ruby's plea agreement obtained by PEOPLE.

Where can I watch the 8 Passengers documentary? ›

8 Passengers Documentary Hulutext=the Documentaries Is Now Streaming on Hulu | TikTok. Former “#momfluencer” #RubyFranke was sentenced to four to 60 years in a #Utah prison.

Where can I watch the Ruby Franke story? ›

Watch IMPACT x Nightline: Ruby Franke: A Momfluencer's Double Life? Streaming Online | Hulu (Free Trial)

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He told police he didn't know anything about what had been going on with his children, and that he'd never been to the residence in Ivins where his children were found, he said in the footage. “I know nothing that's going on in their lives,” Franke told officers.

Who was found in Jodi Hildebrandt's house? ›

He was emaciated and had duct tape and burns on his wrists and legs, authorities said. Franke's 10-year-old malnourished daughter was also found by officers in Hildebrandt's house. She was taken to the hospital.

Where is Ruby Franke now? ›

On August 30, 2023, Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt were arrested in Washington County, Utah, and charged with six counts of aggravated child abuse of two of Franke's children under Utah law, four counts to which she pled guilty. She was sentenced to serve between four and thirty years in prison on February 20, 2024.

How many episodes are there of Ruby Franke? ›

How many episodes of The Rise and Fall of Ruby Franke are there? The Rise and Fall of Ruby Franke launched 7 months ago and published 12 episodes to date. You can find more information about this podcast including rankings, audience demographics and engagement in our podcast database.

Who is Ruby with now? ›

Speaking about their whirlwind reunion, Ruby shared a cautious update, confirming they're still together. "Me and Rez are in a good place," she told OK! magazine. "It was a real array of emotions, there were some really great times and there were some really testing times.

Who is Ruby's ex boyfriend? ›

Made In Chelsea star Ruby Adler broke down in tears as she shared the news of her break up from ex-boyfriend Nicholas Sinclair on Monday's show. The news was first revealed in September that the reality star, 27, had gone her separate ways from the convicted drug dealer, 29.

How did Ruby end up in a wheelchair? ›

'Orange Is the New Black' Star Ruby Rose in a Wheelchair After Undergoing Back Surgery. Ruby Rose has revealed she will be confirmed to a wheelchair as she recovers from back surgery – but she wants to let her fans know she'll “be fine.”

What did Franke and Hildebrandt do? ›

Then, in December, she pleaded guilty to four counts of aggravated child abuse. News of Franke's guilty plea came roughly three months after she and her business partner, Jodi Hildebrandt, were arrested and slapped with a suite of charges after Franke's malnourished 12-year-old son escaped from a window of ...

How many years did Jodi and Ruby get? ›

Mugshots courtesy of KUTV. On Feb. 20, family vlogger and disgraced mother Ruby Franke was sentenced to up to 30 years in prison alongside her unlicensed counselor and cohort Jodi Hildebrandt. Both women were originally charged with six counts of felony child abuse back in August 2023.

Where are the Hildebrandt children now? ›

  • All 4 of Ruby and Kevin Franke's minor children are currently in foster care. ...
  • Newly released video shows the “safe room” that Ruby Franke's children were locked in inside Jodi Hildebrandt's home.
Aug 19, 2024


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