Combat Logs & LOGHUNT Explained - Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon Guide - IGN (2024)

LOGHUNT Program Explained

After completing 'Operation Wallclimber' during Chapter 1 of your first playthrough, you'll receive a notification welcoming you to LOGHUNT, one of ALLMIND's mercenary support programs.

From then on, there will be special designated enemies within many of the remaining missions in the game. Upon finding them and taking them out, you'll receive a Combat Log. As you accumulate Combat Logs, the tally will increase and you'll rank up within the LOGHUNT program, unlocking new Parts for your AC will each successive "level up".

Combat Logs

So now you have access to LOGHUNT, and certain enemies may be marked as targets, you might have a few questions; what are Combat Logs? How can you tell where to get them? Combat Logs don't count as Data Logs for extra lore, and are purely a cumulative counter that ranks up your LOGHUNT class.

How to Find Combat Logs

In order to find Combat Logs, you'll want to ensure the level you're playing has an enemy carrying a Combat Log in it. There is no way to acknowledge this on your first playthrough of a level, but Mission Replay is the place to go!

It's often worthwhile checking into the Replay Mission tab every time you complete a new level during your initial playthrough, as you can then check within the mission description if there is anything by the "Battle Log" subtitle. There are three possibilities:

  1. If there is nothing (no text), the level does NOT contain any Combat Logs
  2. "PENDING"
    • There are enemies you have yet to defeat somewhere within the level that possess a Combat Log
    • You have defeated all marked enemies, and there are no more Combat Logs to collect

So how do you tell which enemies possess Combat Logs? A good rule of thumb is to remember that almost all of the time, the enemies with Combat Logs will be somewhat off the beaten path. It's therefore in your best interest to explore each area as thoroughly as possible!

You'll know when you've found an enemy that holds a Combat Log as there will be a special icon to the left of their health and stagger bars. These Combat Logs are of varying tiers, each of which contribute differing amounts to progressing your LOGHUNT bar. You can see an example of an enemy with a Combat Log in the image below, with the Combat Log icon highlighted by the circle and arrow.

Combat Logs & LOGHUNT Explained - Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon Guide - IGN (2024)


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